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Monday, November 29, 2010

To Loc or Sister Locs...that is the question

So Friday, after Thanksgiving, I took out my last quick-weave. Well, my only quick-weave. For the last two years. I have been getting weaves or braids. Or when in doubt throw on a wig. My hair came out in 2008 because of medication and relaxer and color choices that were horribly wrong.
Quick -weave after a hot flash so I cut it!
My hair after horror was removed. I had conditioner everywhere!

I do have a curl pattern...somewhere!
So, I cut my hair down to where the damage was and just started braiding or weaving. I stayed away from glue even though I was the weave queen and I could glue in a whole head weave by myself. Every time I would take out the weave or the braids, I would deep condition and trim my ends, blow dry my hair and go to my next appointment. I let some of my colleagues talk me into a less-expensive weave option called an invisible part quick-weave. I called myself researching on youtube and I saw people doing the quick-weaves themselves so I figured I would be OK. The young lady who did my hair told me it was too long to gel down and too natural to wrap. so they cornrowed me hair to the back and put a stocking cap on. They used some gro-protectant to saw called "protect" my hair from the glue. She was nice and all but I was so nervous about it that I couldn't sit still. I got my hair done on November 2, 2010. She told me that people keep the weaves in for at least two months. Needless to say, I was surprised that I kept in as long as I did. Everyday I was paranoid about hair underneath this dag on cap.

Hair blow-dried out

Now, that I have taken that foolishness out...the glue, the stocking cap, the pulling hair, the horror...I am trying to decide what to get done to my hair. I want to do some research about natural hair and locs. I do like the versatility natural hair gives. From the free flowing afro, two strand twist, braids and the occasional blow out but I love the styling options with Sister locs too. Locs are an option only because I may not have the patience for the re-tightening for sister locs. Also Sister locs are an investment. Average install starting price is $500. (I have a big head). So right now I am weighing out my options and I will take the time to see what is best for me. I always wonder why people choice what they do for their hair. I guess this time reflecting will help me choose.


  1. Hey
    Your hair story sounds very similar to my own. I should have updated my blog on why I chose sisterlocks, but can't seem to find the time! I stalked a great deal of blogs, but inside, I knew it was the only real option for me. Good luck with your decision making. :)

  2. my choice 2 go natural stemmed from my hair falling out later to discover that I had some type of allergic reaction to something that caused scarring alopecia, my choice to go with SL was after wearing traditional locks for a while they were not versatile for me I rocked the fro but it didn't fit into my grown & sexy in the business world or to church (in my opinion)when I came across Sl's I was sold they are an investment, but you know what I spent that money collectively on perms, weaves & hair extensions (that were thrown in the trash after use), micro braids, corn rows, & hair colors with out blinking an eye, so if you look at it that way $500.00 aint so bad
